Home > Welcome to the Bacula Enterprise Trial > Using Bacula Enterprise Trial

Using Bacula Enterprise Trial

Remember: This Trial configuration is limited in its backup source and destination functionalities, in order to make it as simple as possible. In the full version, Bacula is able to backup and recover to and from absolutely any source or destination whatsoever.

In the following scenarios, you will get the opportunity to use Bacula Enterprise Trial for data backup and recovery using BCenter and bconsole.

  1. Scenario 1: Backing Up “All” Files on the Trial Linux VM using BCenter
  2. Scenario 2: Restoring Files from the Previous Backup using BCenter
  3. Scenario 3: Backing Up “All” Files on the Trial VM using bconsole
  4. Scenario 4: Restoring Files from the Previous Backup Job using bconsole
  5. Scenario 5: Backup a Windows Client using BCenter
  6. Scenario 6: Backup a Windows Client with the Global End Point Deduplication Plugin