Home > Welcome to the Bacula Enterprise Trial

Welcome to the Bacula Enterprise Trial

Thank you for assessing this special Bacula Enterprise Trial version. Bacula Enterprise is the leading Enterprise Open Core network backup and restore software, and is world-renowned for being especially flexible, scalable, and reliable, with an industry-leading range of features. The main objective of this trial is to ensure that you have the best possible experience while evaluating our Enterprise products.

The trial is designed to serve as a proof of concept, allowing you to test all Bacula Enterprise Trial products and install the Bacula Enterprise Trial clients on a limited number of platforms.

The trial is provided as an OVA file, which may be quickly and easily imported into your Virtual Box or VMware environment within a minute. The resulting virtual machine can be managed using BCenter and the text-based bconsole command-line tool.

We kindly ask you to download the Trial OVA file and then import it into your virtual environment. To familiarize yourself with Bacula Enterprise, you can follow the scenarios outlined in this guide. These scenarios are designed to demonstrate the basic functionality of Bacula Trial Edition. If you encounter any issues or have questions while completing these scenarios, please reach out to us. You can also check Bacula Enterprise’s numerous features and configuration possibilities in the Bacula Enterprise Documentation.

It is important to note that the production version of Bacula Enterprise has an especially wide range of features and capabilities compared to most other backup and recovery software. For example, it offers the world’s largest choice of native integration plugins for different virtual environments and different databases. Similarly, Bacula Enterprise has specific plugins for a wide range of Cloud gateways.

However, for the sake of simplicity and efficiency, this trial version comes with a reduced number of capabilities and plugins, namely:


Remember, more advanced features and plugins are available on request.



  1. Introducing Bacula Enterprise
  2. Minimal Requirements
  3. Installation
    1. Installation on Virtual Box
    2. Installation on VMware ESXi
  4. Using Bacula Enterprise Trial
    1. Scenario 1: Backing Up “All” Files on the Trial Linux VM using BCenter
    2. Scenario 2: Restoring Files from the Previous Backup using BCenter
    3. Scenario 3: Backing Up “All” Files on the Trial VM using bconsole
    4. Scenario 4: Restoring Files from the Previous Backup Job using bconsole
    5. Scenario 5: Backup a Windows Client using BCenter
    6. Scenario 6: Backup using the Cloud Plugin
  5. Completing Your Trial
  6. Appendix
    1. Installation of a File Daemon (a Backup Agent) on Linux
    2. Installation of a File Daemon (a Backup Agent) in Windows (Scenario 5, Installing File Daemon)