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Bacula Enterprise Architecture

Bacula Enterprise is the world’s leading backup and data recovery solution in its class. Its enterprise backup architecture is designed from the ground up with high security in mind. With its industry-standard SQL database, Bacula Enterprise also supports relational database catalogues, has heterogeneous client support, as well as backup to clouddisk, tape, and robotic media libraries.

Bacula Enterprise is based on a modern, multi-threaded and modular enterprise backup architecture. It is especially stable, reliable, secure and massively scalable.

Not only is Bacula massively scalable technically, but – due to having no capacity-based licensing – scaling costs are extremely low.

enterprise backup architecture

Scalability. Like no other backup vendor

  • From low-level details such as memory or system calls
  • To high level procedures like catalog structure

Bacula’s highly modular architecture is specifically designed to manage:

  • Billions of file/object records in the catalaog
  • Large amounts of data (PB per storage)
  • Thousands of Clients per Director
  • Each Daemon/Service can be separated on the network
  • Ability to extract single files from snapshots such as virtual machines