With many varied Hypervisor-types increasingly used in large It departments, it’s just not efficient to run multiple backup and data recovery platforms to cater for them all. Nor do you want to incur extra vendor costs simply as a result of your data volume. This webcast provides tips and clear advice on how to manage backup and recovery from one platform – for as many different hypervisors as you need. Hyper-V, VMware, Xen, RHEV, KVM and Proxmox are all looked at in detail.
In addition, pre-announcement information will be given about the next major Bacula Enterprise! Find out how your datacenter can benefit, and how to get ahead of the crowd! Register now and see you there!
Backing Up Multiple Virtual Environments From One Platform
September 19, 2018 | 4:00 PM Central European Summer Time
Frank Barker, CEO, Bacula Systems
Arno Lehmann, Senior Engineer, Bacula Systems