Home > Welcome to the Bacula Enterprise Trial > Using Bacula Enterprise Trial > Scenario 1: Backing Up “All” Files on the Trial Linux VM using BCenter

Scenario 1: Backing Up “All” Files on the Trial Linux VM using BCenter

Remember: This Trial configuration is limited in its backup source and destination functionalities, in order to make it as simple as possible. The production version of Bacula Enterprise is able to backup and recover to and from absolutely any source or destination whatsoever, with an especially wide range of features and capabilities compared to most other backup and recovery software. For example, it offers the world’s largest choice of native integration plugins for different virtual environments, different databases, and specific plugins for a wide range of Cloud gateways. Now, back to the Trial…

BCenter is an easy to use web interface that interacts with the Bacula Director to run backup and restore jobs, to monitor, and to configure the Bacula Enterprise and Bacula Trial.

  1. In Firefox, access the Bacula Enterprise Trial Landing Page by entering the URL provided on the VM’s console login screen.
  2. On the Landing Page, select the “Manage Bacula Enterprise Trial with with ‘BCenter’” icon to open BCenter in a new browser tab. Log in with user/password: admin/admin
    * If you are having an issue logging in to BCenter, please open the URL address given in a private window of your browser.
  3. Upon successful login, you will be directed to the main dashboard, displaying an overview of the current Bacula Trial status. As no jobs have been executed yet, the statistics, running jobs list, recent jobs list, and chart will be empty.
  4. To run the first test backup job, click on the “Launch backup” button on the upper left navigation pane, below the Bacula Systems logo.
  5. A window titled “Launch a backup job” will appear. Choose the source by clicking on the “Select” button.
  6. From the source list, choose “Linux-AllFiles_To_Dedup” and confirm by clicking “Ok”.
  7. Schedule time for the job and set the priority. Note that the job is set to run as an Incremental by default. Bacula will automatically upgrade this to a “Full” job if there is no prior full in the Catalog. Click “Launch” to start it immediately.
  8. A pop-up window on the upper right corner will notify you about the successful operation. While Bacula is known for its speed, backing up all files on the Trial VM may take some time depending on the infrastructure where the Trial OVA was imported.
  9. You can track the job progress by selecting “Jobs” from the left menu.
  10. Upon job completion, refresh the “Jobs” page by clicking the circular arrows. Then navigate to the “All terminated” tab to access information about the finished job. To view the backup log, click on “View logs” on the right. For a comprehensive overview of the job run, click on “Job details”.