Home > Welcome to the Bacula Enterprise Trial > Back up your own data > Installation of a File Daemon (a Backup Agent) on Linux

Installation of a File Daemon (a Backup Agent) on Linux

  1. Log in into your Linux system where you intend to install a File Daemon.
  2. Download the bee-trial-linux-installer.sh script from the Bacula Enterprise Trial VM either through a web browser or by using the command line tools “curl” or “wget”:
    wget http://<IP of trial VM>/clients/bee-trial-linux-installer.sh
    curl http://<IP of trial VM>/clients/bee-trial-linux-installer.sh -o bee-trial-linux-installer.sh
  3. If any firewall is running, make sure you allow the Trial Server’s IP to connect inbound on port 9102/TCP:
    Prior to implementing any modifications, be sure to contact your network administrator.
    Now, log in as root:
    Debian/Ubuntu distributions:

    • Verify the firewall status
      ufw status
      Note – If ufw is not found, contact your network administrator.
    • if it is active, run the following to open port 9102,
      ufw allow 9102/tcp
    • Check the status again to verify the change
      ufw status verbose

    RHEL and its derivative distributions:

    • Verify the firewall status
      firewall-cmd --state
      systemctl status firewalld
    • if it is active, run the following to open port 9102,
      firewall-cmd --add-port=9102/tcp
    • and verify by running
      firewall-cmd --list-ports
    • Remember to make the change persistent to next reboot.
      firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent
  4. Set the script executable:
    chmod +x bee-trial-linux-installer.sh
  5. Run the script and follow the prompts:


  • The script will verify the presence of any TCP Wrappers “deny” rules. If such rules are found, you will be prompted to confirm the addition of a new rule to “/etc/hosts.allow” in order to permit the Director to establish a connection with the File Daemon.
  • After the script has successfully downloaded the Bacula Enterprise Trial client packages from the trial VM and completed the installation and configuration of the File Daemon, it will provide a summary of the newly created Client’s information. Following this, it will inquire whether you would like to initiate a full backup for this particular client. Once you have provided your response to this final question, the script will establish communication with the Bacula Enterprise Trial VM and generate new Client and Job resources on the Trial VM. If you answered “Y” to the last question, a full backup job will also be triggered. You may now return to BCenter in your web browser to view the newly created Client and Job resources, which can be found in the “Clients” and “Sources” sections respectively (located in the left menu). At this point, you have the option to repeat Scenario 1, but instead of choosing the job “Linux-AllFiles_To_Dedup” described in Scenario 1, you can choose the new Job named “XXXX_To_Dedup” to back up the new Linux Client (where XXXX is the name of the Client the install script was just run on).

Supported Platforms for the Bacula Enterprise Trial Backup Agent

The Bacula Enterprise Trial VM supports only the following clients:

– Debian 10 (Buster) 64bit
– Debian 11 (Bullseye) 64bit
– Debian 12 (Bookworm) 64bit
– Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) 64bit
– Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) 64bit
– Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Alma Linux, Oracle Linux or Rocky Linux 8 64bit
– Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Alma Linux, Oracle Linux or Rocky Linux 9 64bit
– Windows 10/11 64bit

To access comprehensive information about the various operating systems (Windows, FreeBSD, Solaris, Linux, etc.) that Bacula Enterprise is compatible with, visit the following link: https://www.baculasystems.com/bacula-enterprise-compatibility/.