Home > Welcome to the Bacula Enterprise Trial > Back up your own data > Installation of a File Daemon (a Backup Agent) on Linux

Installation of a File Daemon (a Backup Agent) on Linux

  1. Log in into your Linux system where you want to install a File Daemon.
  2. Download the bee-trial-linux-installer.sh script from the Bacula Enterprise Trial VM with a web browser, or using the command line tools “curl” or “wget”:
    • # wget http://<IP of trial VM>/clients/bee-trial-linux-installer.sh   or:
    • # curl http://<IP of trial VM>/clients/bee-trial-linux-installer.sh -o bee-trial-linux-installer.sh
  3. Set the script executable:
    • # chmod +x bee-trial-linux-installer.sh
  4. Run the script and follow the prompts:
    • # ./bee-trial-linux-installer.sh


  1. If there are any iptables firewall rules, you will need to manually enable a pair of rules to allow the Bacula Enterprise Trial Director to contact the File Daemon (agent) and also to allow the File Daemon to contact the Storage Daemon on the trial VM (to send backup data). The script will display the iptables commands to set these two rules, however depending on your Linux distribution, making them persistent to survive reboots will different. You will need to either disable the iptables firewall altogether, or set these two rules and then make them persistent using your distribution’s tools.
  2. The script will also check to see if there are any TCP Wrappers “deny” rules in use. If any are found, you will be asked if it is OK to add a new rule to “/etc/hosts.allow” which will allow the Director to connect to the File Daemon.
  3. Finally, after the script has downloaded the Bacula Enterprise Trial client packages from the trial VM and has installed and configured the File Daemon, it will display a summary of the new Client’s information and ask if you wish to start a full backup of this client. Once this final question is answered, the script will contact the Bacula Enterprise Trial VM and create new Client and Job resources on the Trial VM. If you answered “Y” to the last question, a full backup job will also be triggered. You may now return to BWeb Management Suite in your web browser to see the new Client and Job resources in: “Main => Clients => Clients” and “Main => Configuration => Configure Bacula => Jobs”. At this time, you can follow Scenario 1 again, but instead of choosing the job “Linux-AllFiles_To_Dedup” described in Scenario 1, you can choose the new Job named “XXXX_To_Dedup” to backup the new Linux Client (where XXXX is the name of the Client the install script was just run on).

Supported Platforms for the Bacula Enterprise Trial Backup Agent

The Bacula Enterprise Trial VM supports only the following clients:

– CentOS 7 64bit
– CentOS 8 64bit
– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64bit
– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 64bit
– Debian 10 (Buster) 64bit
– Debian 11 (Bulleye) 64bit
– Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) 64bit
– Windows (most versions) 64bit

For more detailed information on the numerous OSes (Windows, FreeBSD, Solaris, Linux, etc) that Bacula Enterprise supports, see https://www.baculasystems.com/bacula-enterprise-compatibility/.